The following rules have been designed to ensure fair play for all participants. Each player is expected to understand these rules prior to participation in the tournament. Any questions concerning these rules should be directed to the UNITE Event Staff.
Prior to the Game
Each team must have three to five players on its roster who have registered their team by the predetermined entry deadline. Additions and/or changes to any roster must be approved by UNITE Event Staff member and completed prior to the start of a team's first game of the event. No substitutions are allowed once a team has played its first game of the event. A player is allowed to participate for only one team in each division for the duration of the tournament.
THE TEAM CAPTAIN WILL REPRESENT HIS/HER TEAM AS A SPOKESPERSON AT ALL TIMES and must verify the score sheet has the correct roster prior to each game.
All games must start with three players on each team unless a team with three players agrees to allow the opposing team to play with only two players.
If a team with a least three players does not allow the opposing team to play with two players, or if the opposing team has zero or one player, that team will be penalized one point per minute after the designated start time up to 10 points. The game is forfeited after 10 minutes.
A coin flip prior to the start of the game will determine which team has the initial possession.
Each player must have a number on their shirt/uniform (numbers made with masking tape are acceptable).
Throw In/Starting Play
The ball must be thrown (not dribbled) in from the check box at the rear of the court. First Violation: Warning from the referees or court monitor, Second Violation: change of possession
After the Game
Winning teams are responsible to deliver the scorecard to the Unite Headquarters to be entered.
(Sunday Only Bracket)
Game Play
Length of Games: first team to score 20 points or 25 minutes. Championship Games in each division: No Time Limit except for divisions 14 and under. The referee, court monitor or UNITE Event Staff member may institute a time limit in the championship game prior to or during the game.
Overtime: if the score is tied at the end of 25 minutes, the game goes into overtime. A coin flip determines which team has the initial possession. The game-winner is the first to score 2 points in the overtime period.
No, Make It Take It for all divisions: the ball changes possession after each scored basket.
Stalling: no stalling is allowed. The referee, court monitor or UNITE Event Staff member may institute a 30-second shot clock at any time. After a team has been warned about stalling, failure to attempt a shot within 30 seconds will result in a loss of possession.
Jump Balls: all jump balls become the possession of the defensive team.
Time Outs: each team is allowed three 45-second time-outs per game. The game clock does not stop during any time-outs. NO time-outs are permitted in the last three minutes of the game.
Taking It Back: when in play, the ball must be "taken back" on each change of possession. "Taking it back" means BOTH feet must be behind the two-point arc. Failure to "take it back" is a violation.
Each Individual Violation: Change of Possession
Throw In/Resuming Play: the ball must be “checked” after every out-of-bounds or opposite-team score. The ball must be thrown in (not dribbled) in from the check box at the rear of the court. No face guarding the box – stay behind the line.
First Violation: Warning from referee or court monitor
Each Additional Violation: Change of possession
Out of Bounds/Resuming Play: the ball must be “checked” every out of bounds.
No Parking Zone: this zone is the box in front of the basket. An offensive player CANNOT remain stationary (i.e. “post up”) with both feet in this box AND receive the ball when guarded by an opposing player. A foot on the line of the no parking zone counts as a foot in the zone.
First Violation: Warning from referee or court monitor
Each Additional Violation: Change of possession
Dunking: dunking is allowed during play only. If teams/players are seen dunking during non-play, they may be disqualified from the tournament. Hanging on the rims is not allowed at any time. Participants can be held responsible for broken equipment.
Scoring: baskets made from the inside of the arc count as one point. Baskets made when the shooter has BOTH FEET behind the arc count two points. Court monitors or referees will call "two points". If there is any doubt by the court monitor or referees as to whether the made basket is worth one or two points, the basket will count as one point.
Free Throws: free throws count as one point. When fouled in the act of shooting, free throws are awarded to the fouled shooter only when the basket was not made (1 for 1 pointer, 2 for 2 pointer). All free throws are dead balls. Regardless of whether the free throw(s) are made, the opposing team checks the ball from the check box. The try-for goal shall be made within 10 seconds after the ball has been placed at the disposal of the free thrower. All other players will remain behind the two-point arc while the free throw attempt is being made.
Any time a basket is MADE and a foul is called:
· The basket counts.
· The referee or team representative records the foul.
· Defending team receives the ball.
Personal Fouls: the referee will record each personal foul. Each team member is allowed four personal fouls. Upon receiving the fourth personal foul, the player is disqualified. If a player is fouled in the act of shooting and a basket is not made, player must attempt a free throw (2 free throws if fouled in the act of shooting behind the arc).
RESULT (for a team that was fouled)
Team Fouls 1 through 7
Check ball from check box, unless fouled in the act of shooting (see above)
Team Fouls 8+
One free throw, unless fouled in the act of shooting (see above).
All intentional fouls will be called by the referee, court monitor or Event Staff member and result in one free throw for the player fouled AND his/her team retaining possession. The ball must be thrown (not dribbled) in from the check box at the rear of the court. An intentional foul is a personal or technical foul designed to stop or keep the clock from starting, to neutralize an opponent's obvious advantageous position, contact away from the ball, or when not playing the ball. It may or may not be premeditated and is not based on the severity of the act.
Flagrant fouls or continuous misconduct will result in team forfeiture and team dismissal from the tournament. All flagrant fouls are called by the referee, court monitor or Event Staff only. A flagrant foul may be a personal technical foul of violent or savage nature, or a technical non-contact foul which displays unacceptable conduct. It may or may not be intentional. If personal, it involves violent contact such as striking, kneeing, etc; if technical, it involves dead ball contact or non-contact at any time which is extreme or persistent, vulgar, or abusive conduct.
First Offense: The player fouled will shoot one free throw and his/her team retains possession from the check box.
Second Offense: The team forfeits the game and is under probation for the duration of tournament play.
Third Offense: The team is dismissed from the tournament.
Basketball Goal Information
The ball is out of bounds if it:
Passes over the top edge of the backboard or touches the back side of the backboard
Touches the arms attached to the back of the backboard.
The ball remains in play if the ball:
Touches the pad ("garage door") in front of the basket.
Touches the bottom edge of the backboard
Touches one of the side edges of the backboard
Touches the top edge of the backboard but does not pass over the top edge of the backboard
Tournament Administration
Any questions or disputes will be discussed only with the team spokesperson. Disputes will not be heard after the game has been completed.
UNITE Event Staff reserves the right to disqualify any team for infractions of the following policies:
Use of illegal players: the players listed on the roster at the time an entry form is submitted are the only players eligible without the consent of the UNITE Event Staff. The UNITE Event Staff reserves the right to request identification from players at any time during the tournament. All participants are encouraged to bring picture identification to the tournament.
False information: information provided to UNITE on your entry form is the basis for division breakdowns. Any false information is grounds for disqualification. Please note that the 6’ and under division will be measured prior to play. Any participant that is over 6’ will not be allowed to participate in the 6’ and under division.
Unnecessary vulgarity or abusive conduct: good sportsmanship is expected. A UNITE Event Staff member may assist at any time, including officiating games, immediately implementing the shooting of foul shots, terminating a game, and/or escorting the player or team from the premises. ANY PLAYER THAT IS EJECTED FROM A GAME WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DURATION OF THE TOURNAMENT.
This is a family event. No profanity or abusive behavior toward officials, tournament administrators, or each other will be tolerated by players or fans. Players/fans violating this rule will be ejected for the duration of the tournament. Unruly fan or player behavior may also result in games being stopped and potential forfeit if deemed necessary. If a fan or parent is ejected from the tournament, the player or child associated with the fan or parent will be ejected as well for the duration of the tournament. If an entire team is ejected, there will be no refund of tournament entry fees.